Saturday, September 27, 2008

Question on Natural Vegetation:Mangrove

With the help of Fig. 1, describe the distribution of this type of natural
vegetation and the climate in which they are found.[5]

  1. Temperature is uniform and high through out the year
  2. highest mean monthy is 27 and lowest is 25
  3. Therefore annual temp range is very small – 2
  4. mean annual rainfall---high 2850mm
  5. rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year
  6. tropical rainforests is found bet tropical/ equatorial region-10 north and south
  7. most of south east Asia- Indonesia, Malaysia,Africa-congo/Zaire basin
    Central America, South America- Brazil

Show how mangrove adapts to the saline and waterlogged conditions in the
environment in which they are found. [5]

  1. efficient salt glands in the leaves to secrete excess salt
  2. old leaves that store excess salt so that when the older leaves fall, the excess salt is removed too
  3. prop roots and buttress roots anchor the mangrove trees firmly to the muddy ground so that the trees are not easily washed away
  4. soil lacks oxygen, breathing roots help the trees take in oxygen directly from the atmosphere
    (- Prop roots contain air holes / lenticles)
  5. Long Tube-Like Fruits germinate while still on trees when ripen, they fall into the mud, take roots and continue to grow

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